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...Just Why? 

You might be wondering why the heck we're doing this? Well, it's a good question! To be honest, we don't even know how or who came up with the idea. We were simply talking one day about how crazy it is to be almost done with college. We thought about all the goods times and the bad, about how much we've grown, but how much more growing we have to do, and how it would be way too weird to just graduate and go our separate ways. C+A just don't fly like that! We wanted to end our college years with a bang and both agreed that biking across the United States would be that perfect bang!


More than that though, we have been so grateful for the impact that pushing ourselves and putting ourselves outside of our comfort zone has done for us. There is no denying that a good challenge, physically, mentally and emotionally can be so valuable and life changing.


We've learned a lot in college but there's so much more to experience! As many of you know, college is like bubble. Now that we're leaving that bubble, we want to learn more about the country that we live in. We are so excited to push our own limits, but also have the chance to get to travel to many different states, get to know the various cultures within the US and build relationships with people we would have never had the chance to meet. And the last reason for why we're doing this is cause, well, why not!?  

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